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Artificial Intelligence In and For Medical Education

AI is transforming the practice of medicine and education in myriad ways. Advances in AI are impacting not only how we work in medical education, but also what learner competencies we teach and assess – students, residents, faculty. During this session, national leaders from the AAMC and the AMA will discuss the implications of artificial intelligence on how we work in medical education and what we expect of our learners in this evolving landscape. Join us to consider this new revolution, discuss current challenges, and future opportunities for AI in medical education.

Session Objectives:

  1. Describe the urgency to include training about AI in all medical education programs.
  2. Discuss physician competencies in AI needed for today and tomorrow.
  3. Define Precision Education.
  4. Outline opportunities to leverage AI to improve the process of health professions education.


  • Lisa Howley, PhD, MEd, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships, AAMC
  • Kim Lomis, MD, Vice President of Medical Education Innovations, American Medical Association
  • Alison Whelan, MD, Chief Academic Officer, AAMC


Tuesday, September 24, 2024
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
  Faculty and Staff Development  

Event Organizer

Sherry Barfield